Monday, March 2, 2015

IDC 199 Course - The Hero's Journey: Joseph Campbell's Influence on Modern Culture

Need an interesting one hour class the last eight weeks of Spring Semester?  Go on a journey with Joseph Campbell and learn to recognize the stages and archetypes of the hero's journey in your favorite books or films.

Tuesdays - 6:00 - 7:50 pm
First Class - March 10th

DESCRIPTION:  Designed to acquaint students with the “The Hero’s Journey” from Joseph Campbell’s book, The Hero with a Thousand Faces, and its influence on modern literature, comic books, and film.  

COURSE OBJECTIVES:  Upon completing the course, students should be able:
·         to demonstrate familiarity with select concepts of 
       Joseph Campbell; 
·         to understand how the authors’ work continues to 
       influence modern culture; 
·         to examine and connect portions of literature, comic books and film to stages of the Hero’s Journey; 
·         to develop abilities to critically analyze works, and to express their analysis through discussion in class and 
       through writing assignments.

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